

In honor of Halloween, let's play a little dress up game! It's highly educational and very relevant. Enjoy!

Also, read about this awesome fundraiser that my local salon hosted in honor of Obama (source for the above image, as well). Basically, ladies paid $75 for the teased and twisted "Reformer" hairstyle, and all the money went to the Democratic campaign. It's great when you walk away with something for your donation, although I'm not sure where you'd go with this 'do. Maybe to the shooting range?

1 comment:

Nora said...

what a great idea. i loved his infomercial last night.
re: paperwhites--the first few that i made i put WAY too much detail on them; i think in this case a)small patterns are better and b)less is more
glad to see you're back blogging-i cannot WAIT to try that mushroom polenta. another great recipe is sweet potato soup: simmer whatever combo of veggies you like (celery, potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, onion, garlic, and sprinkling of italian spices, cinnamon, brown sugar) in a can or two of low sodium broth of some sort until all veggies are soft. add some heavy cream, salt, pepper, and blend until smooth. top w/dollop of sour cream and grated cheese. YUM.