
Comfort foods and silver skies

(Sunset from my living room, passing over Lady Liberty)
This morning when I woke up, a blanket of blue light had filtered into my bedroom and cast everything in a murky, hushed glow. Peering out my window, I saw the thick, downy cloud cover hanging just above the Statue of Liberty, threatening a damp chilly day. Somehow, the soft, ethereal morning light was a comfort, blanketing the noisy street with the impending rain. On days like these, I count the hours until I can be back at home, wrapped in a thick quilt, enjoying a steaming bowl of something savory.
(From my friend's rooftop in Prospect Heights, my old neighborhood)
For tonight, it might be polenta with freshly grated parmesan and delicately herbed mushrooms, a dish we devoured several times this fall. Or perhaps a kale and potato soup with melted gruyere cheese on top. Whatever I choose, it will be a complement to the weather, rather than a distraction from it, because sometimes, it's nice to get cozy underneath the clouds.

Rainy Day Polenta

1 cup of corn meal, prepped per package instructions (makes 3 cups or so)
Pat of butter
Generous handful of freshly grated tart cheese (parmesan, asiago, manchego, percorino)
Salt and cracked pepper to taste

Place atop polenta:
Mushrooms sauteed with onions, garlic, EVOO, and fresh thyme sprigs
Salt and cracked pepper to taste

Served with a salad of raw, thinly sliced green and yellow squash in a simple vinaigrette, a nice textural contrast to the mushy goodness of the polenta.

TIP: My mom taught me this trick- use your hands to knead the dry cornmeal into the cold water before heating. This will enhance the creamy texture and help prevent clumps. Then boil and prepare as instructed.

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